Wednesday, January 29th, 2025
Welcome to our first Quick Tip of 2025! Today we show you a quick and easy way to split date and time into seperate columns in Excel and Google Sheets by using the INT function.
Read more on Split Dates and Times into separate columns in Excel and Google Sheets with INT…
Tuesday, September 10th, 2024
In today’s QuickTip we show you a simple way to add a front cover page to your Microsoft Word document in a way that doesn’t interfere with page numbering in the document footer.
Read more on Add a front cover page in Word and keep page numbering intact…
Tuesday, July 16th, 2024
Here’s something a little different in this week’s Quick Tip – how to send feedback to either Google or Microsoft on their applications, from within the app itself.
If you’d like to see more hints and tips on how to get the best out of the software and apps you use every day, take a look at our YouTube channel. Follow us for regular updates!
Read more on How to send feedback to Microsoft and Google…
Tuesday, July 2nd, 2024
This week’s Quick Tip video gives you an overview of Keep, the multi-function note and list management tool within the Google Workspace suite, with a couple of quick pointers on how to use some of the common features.
Read more on An introduction to Google Keep…
Thursday, June 20th, 2024
Make sure you’re in the correct cell depending on which app you’re using:
Click in the cell below the row and in front of the column you want to freeze.
Then View > Freeze Panes > Freeze Panes.
Click in the cell in the row and the column you want to freeze up to and including.
Then View > Freeze > Up to row # and Up to column #.
Select the first cell/block of cells, then hold the CTRL key on the keyboard while you select other cells. This also works to select non-consecutive cells for functions such as SUM!
You can do this in an instant – in Excel you use the Format Painter, in Sheets, it’s called Paint Format.
Select a cell containing the formatting you like. Click on the Format Painter button on the toolbar. Then highlight cells you want to copy the formatting to.
Select a cell containing the formatting you like. Click on the Paint Format button on the toolbar. Then highlight cells you want to copy the formatting to.
Ensure you have blank columns ready for the split data. Select the column to be split. Then:
Choose Data > Text to columns
choose a separator (space in this case) then click finish
Choose Data > Split text to columns
choose a separator (space in this case) then press the Enter key
You don’t need to copy and paste or fiddle around with the mouse, just use a keyboard shortcut:
Ctrl ‘ (note on a UK/US keyboard this is the apostrophe to the right of the semi-colon key)
Ctrl D
You can either :
a) Split the view of the current worksheet in two by highlighting a column or row then clicking View > Split
you can now scroll the two parts of the workbook separately
or –
b) View anywhere in the workbook, including a different worksheet, by having two windows open side by side – click View > New Window,
then View – Arrange All
two copies of the workbook now appear in different windows that can be navigated independently
There are no menu options in Sheets as there are in Excel, how there is a simple solution to this – you can replicate either of the above by simply having two browser windows open at once side-by-side, with the same URL in each!
if you don’t know this one you really ought to…
Ctrl X to cut
Ctrl C to copy
Ctrl V to paste
(these work on most other apps too – if you right-click you’ll usually see them appear as options)
In the Home tab of the ribbon click Clear – Clear Formats
From the menu select Format – Clear Formatting
Click on the starting cell, then hold the Shift & Ctrl keys and press the relevant arrow key (up, down, left or right) to select the cells. It will stop the selection when it reaches the end of the data set or hits a gap.
(Example 1: user has selected cell D6 and pressed Shift Ctrl ⇒)
(Example 2: user has selected cell D6 and pressed Shift Ctrl ⇓)
Click anywhere in the data and press Ctrl A on the keyboard to select the entire data set
Pressing Alt allows you to access any visible menu command by following the on-screen prompts to navigate to a menu tab then a command.
Step 1: press Alt once to show the menu tabs (and other options) that can be selected by pressing the appropriate key
Step 2: after pressing a key (H for Home in the above example) to choose a menu tab, you’ll now see the menu commands that can be accessed with the appropriate key(s)
Pressing Ctrl / (forward slash not backslash!) brings up a list of all keyboard shortcuts that you can turn on and access at any time.
There we go! We hope our tips help you get the most out of your spreadsheet apps and become more productive in the workplace.
If you’d like to see more hints and tips on how to get the best out of the software and apps you use every day, why not join our mailing list or take a look at our YouTube channel for regular updates!
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It can be surprisingly easy to save yourself a bit of time and effort in the workplace just by making use of some of the many brilliant tools that are available in spreadsheet apps. Not everyone uses them (yet!) but they can help everybody work more efficiently. Here are our ten tips for working productively in Excel and Google Sheets.
Read more on Ten Tips for working productively in Excel and Google Sheets…
Tuesday, June 18th, 2024
Our Top Tip this week shows you a simple way to structure your projects in Microsoft Planner by adding checklists to your tasks.
If you’d like to see more hints and tips on how to get the best out of the software and apps you use every day, take a look at our YouTube channel. Follow us for regular updates!
Read more on How to add checklists to tasks in Microsoft Planner…
Monday, June 10th, 2024
Today’s Top Tip gives you a quick and easy way to tweak a URL so you can open a Google Slides file in slideshow presentation view.
If you’d like to see more hints and tips on how to get the best out of the software and apps you use every day, take a look at our YouTube channel. Follow us for regular updates!
Read more on How to open a Google Slides file in presentation view…
Tuesday, June 4th, 2024
This week’s Top Tip is for PowerPoint users who want to be able to launch directly into a slideshow presentation, without first having to open PowerPoint and click around to change from edit to present mode.
Read more on Save and Open a PowerPoint file as a Slideshow…
Tuesday, May 21st, 2024
Today’s top tip shows you how to update all fields at once on Microsoft Word, such as a table of contents, bookmarks or cross-references, by the use of simple keyboard shortcuts.
Read more on A keyboard shortcut to update all fields at once on Microsoft Word…
Monday, May 13th, 2024
In this week’s quick tip we show you how to update all linked objects in Google Docs at once, such as charts, data tables or slides.
If you’d like to see more hints and tips on how to get the best out of the software and apps you use every day, take a look at our YouTube channel. Follow us for regular updates!
Read more on Update all linked objects in Google Docs at once…
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